Monday, March 1, 2010

Not Me Monday

Well, let's see.....

I most certainly did NOT go out and buy The Farm Chicks in the Kitchen book after commiting to begin a low-carb diet to lose the unhealthy weight, I most certainly am not that silly!

You can bet on the fact that I would NEVER have to write my child's teacher several notes about my child's last day of school, and then to tell her we are not moving yet, to have to tell here we are in fact moving again when we found another house to rent, after the first one we found fell through. I just am not the type who counts their chickens before they hatch like that!

There is NO WAY I would abandon my blog for 10 weeks just because my camera flash died and we are moving, I am a super woman after all dontcha know.

I definitely didn't throw out 1/4 of my house when I found out we were moving because of transportation issues and being overwhelmed with organizing and carrying it all. Masses of people definitely were not stopping outside MY house and hauling trunks full of things away with them!

And no, it wasn't anyone at MY house that bribed the trash men with $5 for their coffee if they would take oversized items they weren't "supposed" to.

Well I could go on and on about all the things I certainly would NEVER do, but I wouldn't want you to laugh too hard, you might get hurt.

If you'd like to join in the Not me! Monday mayhem, click here


  1. BAHAHAHAAA great stuff. No I'm SURE that sasn't you at all. HA ha!!! Thanks for that much needed smile, happy Monday to you and hope things are going well with the move/not move/move! :) hee hee, bribing the garbage guys... I'll have to remember that one... I usually use chocolate chip cookies... ;)

  2. moving is overwhelming! I have thrown lots away too in the process of packing. sounds like you've had your hands full!

  3. good luck with the move -- they are wayy tough sometimes!! We moved 4 times in 4 years... I hope we stay put for awhile! :)
