Monday, April 30, 2012

~Spring Shape Up~

Hello Friends!  I've missed you while I was away, yet grateful to be able to peek into your happenings at your addresses when I had the chance!  It was hard not having a computer at home, but now I have one yet again.  It is (ahem!) used and has its own issues, but for now it is mine.  :))  I plan to blog more regularly again.  I had been debating whether I should close down this blog and begin anew or just keep letting it change as I do, and I have settled on the latter, though I really like the name I had chosen for my  new blog!

Our tiny homestead is starting to take shape as Spring makes its way ever so slowly our way in Western New York.  My prince of a husband built me some raised beds, and after not having a garden for 2 years now, I am super happy and excited to get in the dirt once again and be able to produce some produce (hehe).  Talk about clean eating!!  I am dreaming of sun warmed tomatoes straight off the vine to my mouth.....I have begun some 72 seeds indoors, and plan to start at least another 72 this weekend.  I have many varieties of tomatoes, cukes, zucchini, summer squash, green beans, peas, eggplant, jalapenos, bell peppers, carrots and all manners of herbs.  I am DONE spending tons of money on these fresh herbs I'll tell ya.

Some of these seeds look very delicate, hope they make it ok!  How's your Spring shaping up?

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