Tuesday, June 9, 2009

~Summer Plans~

Every summer brings sweet leisure time, free of the schedules we must keep with school as well as the homework that drains family time. The best part is that our friends schedules open up as well, enabling us to get together for backyard playdates, cookouts, catching up over lemonade...you name it. We will be absorbing sunshine, tending our veggie garden, picking strawberries, making shortcake; then blueberries, being present, really present in the moment, keeping with traditions, and taking lots of photos!

Other activities I am sticking in my back pocket to remember to do are:

Kids bowl free

Barnes and Noble summer reading program, and earn a new free book!

We don't have a Regal theater near us any longer, but thought I'd post this for any of you who might: 9 weeks of movies free for families!

AMC $1 morning movies this summer

tag sales, and the big flea market of course

picnics at local parks, followed by a hunt for frogs, salamanders or other fun critters!

I am thinking we will begin a portion of school, gliding in gracefully and slowly beginning in August when it is normally too hot to play outdoors too much anyway, so we can find our pace and get accustomed to paying attention at home, without mama feeling stressed that we are somehow behind. There will still be plenty of time for all the fun things of summer for as long as it may hang on.

What are your plans this summer? I can always add more to my list!

1 comment:

  1. I love summer time. I really like every season but I am not a big fan of winter. I live in the midwest and it just cold and blah. I like one pretty snow and that is it. :) Sounds like fun!
