Monday, June 1, 2009

A Gardening We Go....

The garden is finally "in" as of late yesterday afternoon. Mike rototilled the plot last week, and we were able to hand-pick our goodies to plant Sunday. I was excited to get them home, and tuck them in their new soil beds, as I normally plant about two weeks early (mid May), though this year being so unseasonably COLD that I am planting even later than the widespread planting time, Memorial Day weekend. I over eagerly, with childish delight, chose beautiful robust little growers, a wide variety, and was quite astonished to find I ran out of room, being unable to foster them all. Thus, I have offered the overstock to a couple dear friends, very glad that these sweet thriving plants will have somewhere to be at home, with their true potential realized in the joyous harvest time.

update: 6/8/09
Aiden and Ryan watering our plants

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