Wednesday, January 28, 2009

~Goals for February~

We've been in this house for 18 months and our living room windows are still bare, other than the mini blinds. I am making it a goal this coming month to get some kind of dressings to pretty it up. I can only imagine the difference this will make in there. As long as it's ours, I'm going to make it ours. =) I will strike items off list as they are accomplished. Whatever I don't get to, can roll on into next biggie.

Some goals for February:

-make window mistreatments for living room (first time)

-turn one pair of too short jeans into a skirt (I am in between lengths, average is too short, but tall is a little too long)

-find and make a great dessert for the first dinner for six at someone's house from our church found one here!

-continue babysitting twice per week (20-25 hours-->this is a short term job)

-host a first-time playdate with the ladies from our church

-start a two week menu plan/shopping, going weekly only for perishables

-get a more structured routine for mornings in place...less talking, more action (I made a picture routine using boardmaker for the boys to follow each morning...simple...I think I would like to do the same to label the bureau drawers so they can learn where to put their clothing by themselves.

-start teaching Aiden pre-K skills purposefully

-get a good stock of homemade frozen lunches boxed up for Mike

-stock up some art supplies

-read the book: finding a mentor, being a mentor

-be more prayerful. I am someone who thinks of God often throughout my day, sings to Him a lot, think in awe of things He has done, or will do, and contemplates what He would have me do in a given situation,....but I don't feel I actually pray as often as I should, so I am going to work on that....

-try to help my dh more

-find a hand crank grain mill for emergency preparedness


  1. Jenn, WOW that is some to do list, and with 6 children besides, you are a saint! And you look way to young to have 6 kids. I wanted to thank you for that recipe for the banana nut muffins/bread it is exactly what I was looking for! I will let you know how it all turns out! Thanks again, Sue

  2. Oh good I'm so glad! It is a keeper for our family. The list looks like a lot, but really some of those items are a one-time event, so out of a whole month it's not so much. Plus, 5 out of the 6 children are in school during the week. =)
